Plastic Surgeon Doctor Ellenbogen 90210

Doctor Ellenbogen, Beverly Hills, California Facial Feminization Surgery Patient

Facial feminization is not only for transgender patients. Many females relate to their friends "I just look like my father." Particularity women of middle eastern and southern European heritage complain of their macsuline features. This surgery includes many features on the face including the nose, cheekbones, chin, jawline, lips, eyelids, forehead and the overall look that the expression transmits. There are additional features in the transgender patient including the adam's apple and the masculine brow. Probably eighty percent of facial feminization is on women. There is also facial masculinization for certain men which includes stronger jawlines, more defined necks, heavier upper eyelids and other personalized changes. This is not a new surgical process but with the invent of facial fat grafting it has become an obtainable result not requiring the breakage and moving of facial bones.

(Jun 14, 2018)