Typical bbl surgery recovery time

The procedure will take around 2-4 hours depending on how much volume is needed. You could go home the same day with an adult or have an overnight stay in a medical facility.

Post-operative instructions will include wearing compression garments for areas that underwent liposuction and some restrictions on sitting and sleeping for the first week or so. It is not uncommon to go back to work in 7-10 days. You still need to wear the garment for 6 weeks total.

The recovery time can vary depending on how many areas the fat for the BBL is harvested from. The more areas of harvest, the more painful it will be. Most surgeons limit direct pressure on the buttocks after surgery for several weeks, so you cannot sit on your buttocks for extended periods after surgery.

There are special pillows where the pressure is shifted to the lower thighs to allow people to sit in a chair. As recovery means different things to different patients, I would suggest 1-2 weeks off of work, depending on your situation, and no sitting directly on the buttocks for ideally 8 weeks.

Typical Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Here is the information I give my patients regarding the recovery process after Brazilian Butt Lift surgery: As with all operations, pain and discomfort varies greatly from patient to patient. Generally, one should expect that pain medication will be required for the first few days.

Continuing discomfort can last varying amounts of time. Much of the swelling and bruising will be improved within two weeks; however, some will persist for six to eight weeks. It is often difficult to see permanent changes in the body shape before this time.

Most patients are instructed to wear an elastic garment from four to six weeks to help with skin shrinkage. Your plastic surgeon will tell you how long you should wear your elastic garment. For patients with poor skin elasticity Endermologie treatments may be recommended. Normal activity may be resumed at 2 to 3 weeks post operation. In general, patients may return to office work 5 – 7 days after the operation, and 14 days for more active employment.

After the operation, exercises are recommended, such as walking immediately and progressive activities beginning on the 14th day, in order to minimize the adhesions between the skin and the deeper tissues. Walking a normal distance as tolerated can usually begin in a few after surgery. Specific time periods for resumption of daily activities, work, and exercise with be further discussed by your surgeon post operation. Early results are seen 10-14 days after surgery, but improvement continues for 4-6 months. Persistent swelling and irregularities may be present for several months. If antibiotics are prescribed, they should be taken as directed.

Typically our patients feel ok to go to work by 2 weeks. Recovery times are different for everyone. We suggest 1-2 weeks rest period and 3 months before returning to rigorous activities.

Our board certified surgeons have the top skills to help ease the process and quickly have our patients feeling back to normal. This typically takes just a few a weeks with proper care and a skilled surgeon.

Plan on four to six weeks of recovery. The first week you will not be sitting down much at all. After that for the next 3 – 5 weeks you should be careful of prolong sitting and vigorous activity. It is all about respecting the transferred fat as it adopts a new blood supply.

BBL care after surgery

Generally its recommended not to sit for around two weeks, or no more than 20 minute (when doing bowel movements). after 21 days you can go back to work, after 1 month can begin long walks and need to wait at least 3 months before doing gym workout.