Technique for brazilian butt lift
The success technique of Brazilian butt lift depends on a number of factor, the most important of which is the viability of fat that is grafted. Smart lipo and many other modalities destroy the viable fat cells. Even the so called “traditional” Liposuction has lower proportion of viable fat cells.
Ideally the surgeon performing structural fat grafting to buttocks (the so called Brazilian butt lift) needs to have impeccable technique. This includes aspirating the fat, processing the fat and injectingt he fat in such a fashion as to create the most pleasing result with excellent longevity.
It takes skill, talent and experience to achieve this. Ask your surgeon about his experience with this technique. (Boris M. Ackerman, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Brazilian Buttlift not viable through smartlipo
Performing the Brazilian Butt Lift is not viable utilizing smartlipo as smartlipo (like any other laser liposuction) burns the fat during its removal which does not allow it be reprocessed and injected into the buttocks. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Smart Lipo is one of many brands of laser liposuction equiptment. These laser techinques, along with ultrasonic liposuction such as Vaser, destroy the fat cells before the fat is actually removed by the suction tube.
Because the cells are no longer viable, the fat can not be used for fat injections such as in a Brazilian Butt Lift. (Kevin F. Hagan, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)
A kind of liposuction which utilizes a laser beam to break up fat cells prior to traditional liposuction, destroys the fat cells before they are removed from the body. In order to successfully perform any kind of fat transfer, e.g. a Brazilian butt lift, a large number of the fat cells to be transferred must be healthy, alive, and processed appropriately prior to placement into the butt.
Smartlipo or any kind of laser liposuction should never be used when performing a Brazilian butt lift. Gentle traditional (i.e. tumescent) liposuction is the preferred method of liposuction when harvesting fat cells for a Brazilian butt lift. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Smart Lipo cannot be used for Brazilian Butt Lift
Smart Lipo destroys fat. That’s the idea in that procedure. Damaged fat is not useful for transfer. Fat grafting can increase size, but it will not lift anything by itself.
Focus on what exactly you want done and then choose your procedure. A consultation or two might be helpful too. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)
It is not ideal to use the laser energy in the process of harvesting. The cells need to be handled in a very gentle manner other wise there is a high chance of killing these cells. This could lead to less chance of take. (Hisham Seify, MD, PhD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Vaser works better for Brazilian butt lift
I do both Smartlipo and Vaser liposuction in my San Jose office. Vaser is a better method to harvest fat for Brazilian Butt lift. Smatlipo can be used after the fat is harvested with the Vaser but you don’t want to use Smartlipo first or it will injure the fat cells and the lift won’t work as well. (Daryl K. Hoffman, MD, Los Gatos Plastic Surgeon)
Smart lipo literally boils the fat cells. These fat cells are not viable and will not be available for fat grafting. Fat grafting is a very specialized procedure that takes a lot of care. The video below explains what it takes to harvest a succesful fat graft, see also the linked blog post on subject. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
The fat needs to removed without damaging it. The laser used in smart lipo does just that. It is reasonable to use more conventional liposuction methods to preserve the fat for the best fat take and for minimizing fat necrosis. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
SmartLipo kills fat cells. It is not an option if you want fat grafting. SmartLipo uses a laser to break up fat cells so that the liposuction is mechanically easier to perform. By doing so the cells are killed and cannot be used for fat grafting. There are other variations on regular liposuction, such as Ultrasound, Waterjet, and Power-assisted Liposuction. These should be relatively safe. In our practice, however, we only use regular or Power-assisted Liposuction to ensure maximal fat cell viability. (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
SmartLipo works by heating and destroying the fat and then removing it with vacuum suction. When we need fat to transfer elsewhere, we ideally need every fat cell to survive the removal from the donor area and the trip to the recipient area (in this case the buttocks) where it will take and grow. Cooking the fat cells and then transferring dead fat cells to another location, hoping they would grow is really NOT smart. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
Laser energy destroys far cells and makes them impossible to survive. Pardon yhe oversimplified analogy but that would be simlar to placing roasted sunflower seeds in the ground and expecting them to grow. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
The fat harvested for transfer to the buttocks should be suctioned in a gentle manner to assure an alive cells to be transfered, this will assure a lasting result. Smart lipo will kill most of the fat cells and they will not survive the transfer.
Alive fat cells and probably alve stem cells is what we are transfering, to get a long lasting result. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Fat melted down by Smart Lipo is not live fat. The Brazilian Butt Lift relies on live fat being reinjected into the buttocks. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Using fat from Smartlipo to augment the breast is probably not a good idea. SInce Smartlipo uses a heating component to melt the fat, I do not think that the fat cells will be viable to take in the buttock tissues. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Fat from smart lipo or any other laser or ultrasound liposuction would not be viable since the fat cell is destroyed with these techniques. You need as much intact fat cells as possible since greater than 50% of the live fat cells die after injected anyway and sometimes as much as 80% die. You need 300-500 cc of good fat for each buttock cheek.
Often a 2nd or even 3rd fat injection session is needed at 3-4 month intervals for the buttock to look nice. It is not uncommon to add silhouette threads to raise up the buttock if it is saggy to begin with. This can be done at the same time as the fat is injected. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)
I do many Brazilian Butt Lifts, and (while I do not believe in the benefits of SmartLipo) I do lots of VASER liposelection- but I would not use fat removed in a VASER procedure for buttock augmentation. As described below, any of these modalities will cause the fat cells to be destroyed, and therefore lower the likelihood of success in the augmented area. For brazilian butt lift patients, I prefer tumescent liposuction. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
A Brazilian butt lift cannot be done through smart lipo. The Smart lipo uses a laser-assisted technique to melt the fat. In essence, a Smart lipo kills all the fat through this process making the fat useless for fat transfer. To perform a fat transfer to the buttocks, the fat needs to be viable and the Smart lipo does not meet this requirement. There is a big difference in doing a liposuction procedure to improve the contour of the body and a liposuction to harvest the fat and at the same time contour the body. I typically use power-assisted liposuction (PAL) under a low power. This is a liposuction technique that combines traditional lipo with back and forth motion of the cannula for a more effective removal of the fat. Regardless of the technique that your surgeon uses, make sure that it is a fat preservation harvesting method.
There are many machines used during technique for brazilian butt lift, which include the following:
- Suction – assisted liposuction
- Power- assisted liposuction
- Tickle liposuction
- Jet liposuction (Wilberto Cortes, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
SmartLipo destroys fat – this cannot be used in a Brazilian Butt Lift
SmartLipo is a special type of liposuction that will destroy the fat as it is removed. If the fat is then destroyed it then cannot be used as material for fat grafting into the gluteal region. For a successful result in a Brazilian butt lifts, the fat must be cleaned and processed very gently. Only in this way will the fat survive once it is placed into the buttocks. If someone is offering this combination to you, be suspicious and please make sure that your surgeon actually has experience doing this. I would insist on seeing photographs as well as talking to patients who have received this. For more information on Brazilian butt lifts or butt augmentation, please schedule an iConsult or visit us online at the link below. (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)