When can i sit down after BBL operation?

After the surgery of liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks(bbl) the first three weeks there is a process of integration of fat and at this time it is recommended not last long time in the same position that makes pressure on the treated area, but you can sit, what you should not do is to sit for a long period in a same position.

Once it finish this period of 3-4 weeks there would be no problem in sitting because the grafted fat cells have adapted and received vascularization, nutrition and integration of the receptor site. (Eugenio Lapaix Vargas, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

How does frequent sitting affect Brazilian Butt Lift results?

I generally recommend that my Brazilian Butt Lift patients avoid sitting on their buttocks for the first 2 weeks after surgery. This allows the transferred fat time to “take” in its new location. After that period, you can resume normal activities and your normal sitting patterns without affecting your result. (Andrew Jimerson, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

You shouldn’t sit on the freshly made graft for two weeks, then progressively you can apply pressure on it but in general I tell patients to avoid it for an average of about six weeks. Nothing is more dissapointing than watching a great result dwindle so patients are fairly motivated to do this once they see a nice plump result. (Ricardo A. Meade, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Can Frequent Sitting affect Brazilian butt lift results?

Absolutely. You will need to plan a week off from your work since you sit down for 7 hours 5 days a week. After that you should avoid prolonged sitting.

Perhaps you could use a modified chair where you are kneeling. Be careful to make accommodations postoperatively otherwise you will impair the healing of that transferred fat and you will be disappointed with your results. (Marshall T. Partington, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Too much sitting early after Brazilian butt lift would be a problem

I would not want you to do too much sitting too soon after surgery (for 2-3 weeks), and I would also prefer to restrict you from lying in the supine position (flat on your back), as these positions place a lot of pressure on the areas we would be trying to augment, and this might compromise your desired outcome. The best thing to do would be to schedule your surgery around a time you can avoid sitting for this period of time, or to explore your options for work environment.

There are certain types of task chair designs that would not place undue pressure on the area and would be acceptable. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

No direct sitting after Brazilian Butt Lift for 2 weeks

For general information purposes, I do not allow my patients to sit on a Brazilian butt lift directly for a full two weeks. The pressure may displace the fat and/or cause more of it to be absorbed. I do allow my patients to sit on an open back chair or stool as long as the buttocks are offloaded. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Sitting and Brazilian Butt Enhancement

It is very important to avoid direct pressure on the grafted area. However it is very difficult not to sit. We put our patients in a special garment to hold the shape of the buttocks.

We also advice them to sit on a doughnut that keep the pressure off the grafted area. Also keep sitting to a minimum for about three weeks, At that time the graft has the chance to adhere and tend not to move.

After investing in ANY surgery you need to have the commitment of time to heal well. So there should be an investment in time to heal. Do the surgery when you can have the time, otherwise any shift in the fat transfer will result if a deformity that will require revisional surgery and more time and money investment (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Do not sit at all for three weeks

This is my recommendation for anybody having a Brazilian Butt Lift. DO NOT SIT AT ALL for three weeks. Trust me I have done hundreds, and revisions of other people’s work.

It is a serious commitment, but will pay off in the end. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Sitting After Brazilian Butt Lift

For the firsrt 2-3 weeks after surgery it is advised that you try to avoid sitting or putting pressure on your butt. You also need to avoid sleeping on your back during this recovery period. The pressure may cause the fat to be displaced. (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

The simple answer is no – the fat you have there is yours to keep forever. We do tell the patients to not sit for too long or apply pressure on the buttocks for about two weeks post op but besides that- you can sit on, sleep, and move around as much as you’d like. (Keith S. Berman, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)