Rodney Green MD Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Name: Rodney Green MD Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Display name: Rodney Green MD Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Mission: At Rodney Green MD Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, our utmost priority is our patient’s well-being. We go to great lengths to ensure that we accommodate their needs and address their concerns with the utmost sensitivity. We actively listen to their requirements and deliver outstanding care using the latest techniques available.
Phone: (440) 271-3506
Twilio phone: (440) 271-3506
Address: 5035 Mayfield Rd., Ste. 100, Lyndhurst, Ohio, USA, 44124
City: Lyndhurst
State: Ohio
Country code: US
Postal code: 44124
Phone: (440) 449-8880
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 41.5201767,-81.4983684
- African American Rhinoplasty
- Areola Reduction Surgery
- Arm Lift
- Asian Rhinoplasty
- Belly Button Surgery
- Body Lift
- Botox
- Botox for Hyperhidrosis
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Brazilian Butt Lift Revision
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Fat Transfer
- Breast Implant Removal
- Breast Implant Revision
- Breast Implants
- Breast Lift
- Breast Lift with Implants
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Reconstruction Revision
- Breast Reconstruction with Fat Transfer
- Breast Reconstruction with TRAM Flap
- Breast Reduction
- Brow Lift
- Buccal Fat Removal
- Butt Augmentation
- Butt Implant Removal
- Butt Implants
- Butt Lift
- Calf Implant
- Capsular Contracture Treatment
- Cheek Augmentation
- Cheek Lift
- Chemical Peel
- Chin Implant
- Chin Liposuction
- Genioplasty
- Deep Plane Facelift
- Diastasis Recti Repair
- Double Eyelid Surgery
- Drainless Tummy Tuck
- Dysport
- Earlobe Repair
- Ear Surgery
- Eyebrow Transplant
- Eyelid Retraction Repair
- Eyelid Surgery
- Facelift
- Facelift Revision
- Facial Fat Transfer
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery
- Forehead Reduction
- Gynecomastia Surgery
- Hand Reconstructive Surgery
- Hip Augmentation
- Hyaluronidase
- Juvederm
- Latisse
- Lip Fillers
- Lip Implants
- Lip Lift
- Lip Surgery
- Lipoma Removal
- Liposculpture
- Liposuction
- Liposuction Revision
- Lower Facelift
- Lumpectomy
- Male Tummy Tuck
- Mini Facelift
- Mini Tummy Tuck
- Mole Removal
- Mommy Makeover
- Monsplasty
- Natrelle Breast Implants
- Neck Lift
- Nipple Surgery
- Nonsurgical Facelift
- Nonsurgical Neck Lift
- Nonsurgical Nose Job
- Panniculectomy
- Pec Implants
- Ptosis Surgery
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Scar Removal
- Sclerotherapy
- Septoplasty
- Sientra Breast Implants
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Skin Tightening
- SMAS Facelift
- Strattice
- Thigh Lift
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
- Tummy Tuck Revision
- Umbilical Hernia Repair
- Voluma
RealSelf Info
Profile created: Sep 20, 2019
Profile modified: Sep 27, 2023
Review count: 48
Rating: 4.9
Rating time spent: 5
Rating answered questions: 5
Rating bedside manner: 5
Rating after care: 5
Rating payment process: 5
Rating wait times: 5
Rating courtesy: 5
Rating responsiveness: 5
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Realself network status: candidate

Rodney A. Green, MD
Name: Rodney A. Green, MD
Statement: I have been in practice in the greater Cleveland Ohio area for more than 30 years. My practice has included reconstructive plastic surgery, including microsurgery and hand surgery, and more recently I have been applying my skills more to aesthetic surgery. An area of special interest is fat grafting/transfer.
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1987
Rating: 4.9
Practice’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
5’7, 140lbs, would I get nice results from a BBL with my body shape & weight?
Jun 21, 2023
Jun 21, 2023
After reviewing your photos I think you would benefit from liposuction of medial thighs, flanks and the lower, small of your back. I could see you getting nice results from a low volume fat grafting to hip dips to improve your overall shape however I do not feel you will get the projection you are aiming for since you only have a small amount of fat available, but it will provide a significant difference since you have a small frame.
Risks of using leg fat for fat transfer to breast procedure?
Lumpiness should not be a problem if done carefully.
Jun 18, 2023
Jun 18, 2023
It is a potential risk of course, but if the technique is meticulous should be possible to avoid irregularity.
I think you are a good candidate
I think you are a good candidate
Could fat be transferred from my stomach to my breasts to make them fuller?
The answer is yes
Jun 18, 2023
Jun 18, 2023
We often transfer fat to the breasts, and it works very well. We use fine fat particles and use a centrifuge to concentrate the fat.
You should make sure you have a baseline mammogram before surgery because it will be different afterwards.
You should make sure you have a baseline mammogram before surgery because it will be different afterwards.
What do you recommend to help with my odd body shape?
Looks like you have “Hip Dips”
Jun 18, 2023
Jun 18, 2023
This can be improved with liposuction to the areas with excess fat, and fat injection/grafting to the deficient areas.
20 years old & inverted triangle shape, will a BBL give me a realistic silhouette?
Liposuction 360 and BBL will improve your shape a lot.
Jun 18, 2023
Jun 18, 2023
We really need better pictures including the back and sides.
But I do see that you have some fat on your belly and sides. You don’t have a curvy shape.
adding fat to your hips and buttocks can improve that.
But I do see that you have some fat on your belly and sides. You don’t have a curvy shape.
adding fat to your hips and buttocks can improve that.
Last updated on 12/06/2023