Recovery for brazilian buttock lift procedure (BBL)
There are a variety of answers to this question. In my practice, I tell patients the immediate recovery time is 1-2 weeks where they need to be off work. After that, there is still a recovery period, but patients usually are able to go back to work to some degree at this point. Every circumstance is different.
Typical recovery for brazilian butt lift is about 10 days before feeling pretty good. The hard part comes in the next 2 weeks where the patient is instructed to avoid sitting directly on the buttock. I put all of my butt lift patient in a specially tailored garment immediately after surgery and this stays on for one week.
I see patients at one week and remove the custom foam from the garment and instruct patients to avoid sitting on the buttock for a total of 3 weeks. I give patients instructions on how to sit and tell them to use a stool and sit with their posterior thigh resting on the stool allowing the butt to hang free slightly and avoid pressure to the area while the fat graft is healing.The garment is used for 4 weeks.
This outpatient procedure usually requires about a 7 day recovery for most people. However, a larger BBL may require up to 2 weeks to recover. Sitting is difficult after this procedure and is severely limited for the first week.
Recovery from a BBL is different depending upon how much is done and the person upon whom it is done.I ask my patients to avoid sitting on the buttocks, or laying directly on them for two weeks. It is very common to do some variation of a tummy tuck as well which can make this a bit challenging.
Nonetheless, the conversation about recovery is very personal. Some people have great tolerance for the discomfort of a surgery like this and they do remarkably well. Others struggle a bit in the short term but get better in time.
Because this surgery is so different in different people, the key to this question is an honest and lengthy discussion with your surgeon about what he or she will expect of you and how you can best work together to get your best results.
the post-surgical process is as important as the surgery and is extremely important to follow all of your surgeon’s recommendations each patient it is different, thats why i always follow this period. But i can say that tipically takes between 2 weeks.
I have been doing Brazilian Butt Lifts for over 15 years and the recovery period always provides a lot of anxiety for patients. It’s important to do your homework and find a board certified plastic surgeon that has the experience you are looking for. The Brazilian Butt Lift is an out patient surgery, which means you will go home the same day with certain guidelines that will be important that you understand and follow. In rare occasions people may opt to stay overnight if they are not ready to go home. Recovery fis about 10-14 days with a restriction on exercise for about 3 weeks, depending on a few individual factors. (type of workout, healing process…)
Some of the guideline are:
- Do not sit for about 10-14 days, followed by sitting on a special cushion for a few weeks
- Walking around every few hours
- Some stretching exercises
- Drain recording
- Drink lots of fluids
The best recovery advice would be communication! Communicate with your doctor and his nurse. I always give patients my personal number so they can reach me with questions and concerns post surgery. You need to have a doctor who will be available to you.