The recovery after brazilian buttock lift operation
Immediately after a brazilian buttock lift operation be allowed to lay on your back until you are fully recovered in the recovery room.
Normally you are then turned over on your stomach and will remain in this position until you go home. On the trip home it is best to lie on your stomach or on your side.
After that you will be instructed to keep pressure off of the buttock area for at least 8 weeks. No sitting is permitted for 10 days postoperatively.
The exception to this would be utilizing the toilet. After 10 days you will be allowed to sit in a modified position that will keep excess pressure off the buttock area.
Can be accomplished by sitting on a pillow with the pillows supporting your hamstrings and allowing your buttocks to hang over the top of the pillow.
You will be given a compression garment and be expected to wear it for 4-6 weeks postoperatively. Your final result probably will not be completely realized for up to 6 months postoperatively.
Recovery is generally 1-2 weeks to return to work but the most important part is to stay off your buttocks for 2-6 weeks. The longer you can stay off your buttocks the better your result.
Placing pressure on your buttocks can lead to death of the fat (necrosis). About 2 weeks with limited sitting time. Seek a plastic surgeon who performs hundreds of these procedures, has great reviews and photos, and is an expert in this field
Recovery Varies: 6 Weeks Until ALL Normal Activity
The recovery from brazilian buttock lift operation varies from patient to patient. We generally recommend that patients take a week off from work following this procedure. Occasionally patients are able to return to work even sooner.
Patients usually resume all of their normal activities within six weeks following surgery without restrictions.We feel that patients should avoid sitting on their buttocks for prolonged periods of time for at least two weeks following this procedure.
We also recommend the use of a compression garment for three weeks following surgery. We encourage physical activity, stretching and massage because this appears to decrease swelling. Although swelling may still be present six weeks following surgery, the majority of patients have effectively returned to normal activity.
The recovery time will mostly depend on the amount of liposuction patients. Some patients in whom I have performed the procedure went back to work the next day.
I would say that a maximum of 2 weeks is the recovery time after which a patient can resume her daily activities without any discomfort. The recovery can last up to 6 weeks. Swelling usually improves by the first week but bruising can last longer depending on the patient.
Usual recovery is generally in stages: I ask my patients to sleep on their stomachs (so no pressure on their buttocks) for 2 weeks, and then avoid sitting as much as reasonably possible. No aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol or anything that causes bleeding for 2 weeks before and after surgery.
I recommend wearing compression garmets for the liposuctioned areas for 4 – 6 weeks. It’s importnat to review my patient’s garmets to make sure that there is no pressure on buttock area.
Most patients resume work about 7- 10 days later, and find that they recover faster than they think. No sexual activity or exercising for 1 month.
Usually I tell patients they are able to resume work on a desk around 3 weeks afterwards and an active work style around 6 weeks. The swelling could last up to 3 months but I have had patients going back to work as soon as 10 days postop.
The numbers above are what I would say the average rehabilitation after a classic BBL . The more extensive the procedure the longer the recovery period required and vice versa.