Recovering after a BBL

You hear many different recommendations online, from both plastic surgeons, and past patients. That can be very confusing for the prospective patient.

The internet has a lot of ancedotal contributions. My recommendations to any patient considering this procedure is to seek an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, and follow his of her instructions closely. I usually inform the patient that the first 4 to 5 days are most challenging, and after that patients start to feel stronger.

I think a 2 week period of recovery is reasonable to expect. Patient will get swollen and bruised, and should start to see that improve steadly within that two week period.

Nevertheless, the patient will continue to change and the final result will be achieved in 6 to12 months. The patient should really avoid sitting for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, to maximize on projection and fat retention.

Please follow your doctors instructions when it comes to the garments to avoid injury to the skin. Finally, results and recovery will vary from patient to another.

Thus, use the experience and pictures of other patients as a way to educate yourself about the procedure and it’s potential body contouring results. Your outcome will surely be individual to you.

Brazilian butt lift recovery

The recovery for Brazilian butt lift is very similar to standard liposuction. Patiets may feel discomfort for about 10-14 days, I also ask them, to avoid sitting for longer periods in the first two wekks to prevent them from “strangulating” the fat grafts.

I encourage to walk around and move freely, since this will improve circulation. Excessive bed rest is unnecessary and does more harm than good.

Brazilian butt lift recovery is normally 10 days-two weeks

Brazilian butt lift utilizes fat is harvested from elsewhere on your body and then injected carefully in small amounts in multiple areas that are mapped out on the buttocks.

The smaller volume that is place with each injection increases the chances of the fact graft surviving. For the first 48 hours the fat cells will survive on nutrients in the tissue however they need to start developing a connection to blood supply in order to continue to survive.

Most fat grafts in the Brazilian butt lift will last over a year if done successfully although on average 60-70% of the fat cells injected will survive. There’s been some research on stimulating fat cell survival with stem cell reinjection.

This requires removing some of the fat cells and separating stem cells from the fat, increasing stem cell population and then re-injecting it with the remainder of the fat cells. Most laboratory equipment to do this requires at least one hour for processing. As a member of a society that focuses on using fat (adipose) tissue as a source of stem cell harvesting, we are carefully looking the long-term value of stem cells in not only fat graft survival, but also in relieving the inflammatory process that is the basis for most diseases.

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Time Information

Most patients require approximately one week at rest after the procedure and then an additional 3-4 weeks for the majority of the swelling and bruising to subside. We encourage immediate ambulation to stimulate circulation in the legs. Patients wear a body compression garment for at least one month.