Plastic Surgeon Dr Teplica in Chicago, Illinois

Name: David Teplica, MD
Last name: Teplica
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1993
Years experience: 30
Primary Specialty: Plastic Surgeon
Business: David Teplica, MD, MFA
Address: 803 West Hutchinson Street
Phone: +1 773-296-9900
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Zip Code: 60613
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 250$
Consultation note: Fee is waived if patients mention RealSelf as the referral source.
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • Presence Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago
  • Undergraduate: BA, Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 1981
  • Medical: MD, Dartmouth Medical School, 1985
  • Graduate: MFA, Photography, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1990
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: General Surgery, University of Chicago, 1988
  • Residency: Plastic Surgery, University of Chicago, 1992
  • Fellowships:
  • Aesthetic Reconstruction, Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, with Gary Burget, MD, 1992
  • NIH Surgical Scientist, University of Chicago with Charles Huggins, MD, 1990
Member of
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

GPS coordinates on map: 41.8795,-87.6242981

Primary location
Location name: Chicago
State: IL
Country: US
Map point: 41.8795,-87.6242981
  • Arm Lift
  • Body Lift
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Fat Transfer
  • Breast Lift
  • Brow Lift
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Butt Lift
  • Chin Implant
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Facial Fat Transfer
  • Gynecomastia Surgery
  • Labiaplasty
  • Lip Fillers
  • Liposculpture
  • Liposuction
  • Lower Facelift
  • Male Tummy Tuck
  • Mommy Makeover
  • Monsplasty
  • Neck Lift
  • Pec Implants
  • Penis Enlargement
  • Thigh Lift
  • Tumescent Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 3651
Answer count: 9
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Apr 8, 2010
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Apr 14, 2015
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Chicago, IL, US. GPS coordinates: 41.8795,-87.6242981

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Could mouth breathing be one of the causes of my weak chin?
Born with your anatomy…
May 8, 2018
We now know from twin studies that environment has little to no permanent impact on anyone’s anatomy. It looks like you were born with a chin and jaw that are smaller than the anatomy of the upper two thirds of your face. It is much more likely that having this configuration (and the related inborn internal anatomy) causes your mouth breathing, instead of the other way around. Your nose appears to be attractive,…
Penis enlargement. Could a silicone implant be used?
Please don’t get this done !
Feb 8, 2016
No, sadly, solid implants and silicone sheets placed beneath the skin can cause major damage. With the usual changes in size that the penis undergoes and with repetitive motion, these often erode through the skin and can create horrible infections. Also, scar capsules form around silicone (even worse than in breast implants) and can lead to buckling and other major deformities.Instead, safer strategies should be considered.
Is this a gynecomastia? How can I treat it?
Asymmetry is usually due to small amounts of gynecomastia
Feb 8, 2016
Yes, a small amount of asymmetrical gynecomastia can have a big effect on the overall impression of an otherwise great male chest.One-sided, minor enlargement of male breast ducts or breast fat can lead to visual asymmetry. It appears from the photos that you also have minor enlargement of some surrounding accessory breast mounds, giving the chest a slightly softer look than many guys might prefer.The biggest danger for you would be to either ask for or to unknowingly receive surgical…
I’m 11 wks post gynecomastia (liposuction/gland incision). I can see first signs of gland regrowth. W
a bit of reassurance….
Jun 27, 2015
Donie888:It may be somewhat reassuring to hear that it is very common for hard lumps of injured/healing tissue to form after gynecomastia surgery. These are called induration nodules and they begin showing up in many patients (60-70 % of patients in my practice) around the 4th week. It frustrates guys that these often persist for over a year — but they almost always go away completely with time. Your body is attacking and degrading the tissue that was traumatized and it takes many months…
Gynecomastia surgery + excess skin. Do I need a second surgery?
still swollen
May 31, 2015
I explain to all of my patients that swelling takes over a year to go down completely. I certainly wouldn’t recommend doing anything further until all that swelling is gone. Also, I wouldn’t squeeze and pinch the area to test thickness — you need to let the skin to tighten and seal down without being stretched.After a year, it’s not uncommon for skin to be a little bit loose, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that more tissue should be removed — and cutting skin out often results in…
Post Gynecomastia surgery looking for fix for slight concavity/contour deformity with flat nipples pu
fixable !
May 31, 2015
Michael87:You developed scar bands between the nipple on each side and the underlying pecs. In most cases, this is easily corrected under local anesthesia through tiny incisions (1/8 inch) — with the release of the scars and grafting of a very small amount of fat beneath each nipple.Dr. Dave Teplica
From 324lbs (2011-12) to between (155-164) currently, Male, 5’10”. Post-Weight-loss and expectations
Bravo !
May 5, 2015
You’ve done a remarkable job of losing weight and maintaining a stable state — and by all means, deserve to have a body in which you can feel more comfortable!One of the most important things to consider when approaching body contouring after major weight loss is that you get gender-appropriate care. It’s also critical that each of your planned procedures happens at the same relative fat content so that your final result can be proportionate from head to toe.
Do I have a micropenis?
there’s a full spectrum
Apr 14, 2015
There is no solid definition for the term ‘micropenis’, in part because there is a lack of good information about what really is normal. Part of the issue is that the medical world has not standardized the collection of data when studying body structures like the penis. For example, at different temperatures the penis in any given man has a different length, yet I know of no study of the penis that has controlled for temperature when the study-subjects are being measured.In your particular…
Is this a mild case of pectus excavatum?
help is indeed available
Apr 14, 2015
Severe cases of Pectus excavatum have been treated with invasive “rib flip” operations or the placement of large customized silicone implants. Metal plates have even been used to push the ribcage forward. Unfortunately, these operations create large scars and have high complication rates –and they were therefore reserved for the most severe cases. Sadly, natural-looking results were rarely achieved.Your situation — which is much more subtle that what some men and women deal with — is,…

Last updated on 11/23/2023