How to get Kim Kardashian buttocks with help of brazilian butt lift?

The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure in which fat is transferred from areas of the body with high reserve, normally the abdomen, to the butt and hips to develop the contour the patient desires.

While you are doing research, my advice to you is to reach out to a number of board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in the Brazilian butt lift. Request before-and-after pictures from their clinic, and get an idea of the type of results they are able to achieve through the BBL.

Every surgeon has a specific style, so it is important that the results they deliver are in line with what you desire.Good luck, please let us know how it goes. (Constantino G. Mendieta, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Look Like Kim Kardashian

Brazilian Butt Lift or liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks is a win win. Your whole body looks better from the suctioning and the fat is injected into the soft tissue and muscles of the buttocks to increase their size and projection.

The process involves suctioning your whole body in order to harvest as much fat as possible. The fat is the stained and the pure and smallest globules are injected under direct visualisation into the muscles and soft tissue of the buttocks. The surgery is essentially like sculpting and requires a trained and critical eye.

The rate limiting step with size is usually how much fat that can be harvested. i dont reccommend gaining a lot of weight before the surgery. This makes the fat globules larger and the take much less. Normal or slighly heavy patients do best with this procedure. I think over 75% to 85% of my grafted fat remains after the surgery.

I dont know what Kim looks like but I know your buttocks will be fuller after the BBL! (Norman Bakshandeh, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

It’s not unusual for patients to have concerns about the aesthetics of their buttock region.When this situation arises a variety of therapeutic options are currently available to address these concerns. The treatment option ultimately chosen, is tailored to the individual and is dependent upon the patient’s unique anatomic findings and specific aesthetic goals.

When patients have inadequate buttock projection and fullness, the Brazilian Butt Lift offers an excellent treatment option for this condition. The origin of the term “Brazilian Butt Lift” is a frequent source of speculation. Although some people feel that the procedure was developed in Brazil, this is probably not the case. A more likely scenario, is that the term is related to images of shapely bodies on the beaches of Brazil.

Irregardless of how the procedure was named, it has the potential to dramatically impact buttock contour. We frequently see patients who feel that their buttocks are flat, small, saggy and lack projection. This often adversely impacts their self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, sexuality and how clothes fit.

For this reason, it’s not unusual for women to request the Brazilian Butt lift. They often tell us that they want to look like Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Beyonce or Kim Kardashian. The procedure offers a double benefit.It take fat from areas where it’s not wanted and augments areas where more projection is desired.

In this case, the procedure results in an S shaped lower back with a more rounded buttock. The procedure involves performing liposuction in a variety of areas including the upper hips, arms, abdomen, back and thighs. The fat harvested from these areas is then processed and concentrated so that excess fluid, blood and cellular debris are removed.

The remaining fat is then transferred to the buttock area. Following surgery, patients wear a compression garment for three weeks and avoid sitting or lying on their buttocks for at least two weeks following surgery. Results are excellent with this procedure and associated with high satisfaction rates. If you’re considering the Brazilian Butt Lift, consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon is appropriate. This surgeon should be able to make a recommendation that considers both your aesthetic goals and anatomic findings. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Even in Brazil, the definition of the procedure varies widely. In my O.R. I suction the abdomen,flanks and low back to establish the “hour glass’ and then prepare the suctioned fat which is reinjected into the butt as an auto graft. It is not really a lift, but rather an augmentation. (Barry H. Dolich, MD (Retired), Bronx Plastic Surgeon)

How Can I Get Kim Kardashian’s Butt?

Photo of celebrities with brazilian buttlift

People who become celebrities most often have a developed talent and the benefit of good genes that makes them look good. It is important to think about how you would look with someone else’s body as your idealized shape. The results of any cosmetic surgery depend a lot on what you look like, what your body structure is like before a procedure. If you have a shape that would look good with an augmented buttock and have the extra fat to do the augmentation, then you will get a nice result. It may or may not be the same as a celebrity’s, but at least it is helpful as an image when you communicate with your plastic surgeon about what your own goals are. It is also helpful because if the answer is that you can’t really achieve that result, you will not set yourself up for disappointment. Put simply, a Brazilian Butt Lift is the enhancement of the buttock by shape and volume with your own fat transferred after liposuction and processing. The removal of fat from around the buttock enhances the shape by narrowing the waist and thighs, while the addition of fat fills out deficient areas and makes a rounder more projecting buttock possible. (Robert M. Lowen, MD, Mountain View Plastic Surgeon)