Payment plans for the Brazilian Buttock Lift

In general, most plastic surgery offices offer some type of financing if you qualify. The payments will go to a financing company. The surgery costs usually are paid in advance of the procedure.

Financing For Brazilian Butt Lift

There are financing options available for a Brazilian Butt Lift, and payment plans can be as low as a couple of hundred dollars per month.

There are many options available for financing in plastic surgery for a Brazilian buttock lift procedure. One of the most common options is a company called CareCredit.

You can often find out if you qualify by applying online. Consult with a plastic surgeon and their financial coordinator will be able to assist you with these options.

Don’t choose your surgeon by price

We offer financing and payment plans for the Brazilian Butt Lift. I have performed this procedure for over 12 years and have several hundred happy Brazilian Butt Lift patients.

I strongly caution you on searching for a Surgeon based on price. I have seen many patients who come to me after having had this procedure performed once at a discounted rate, only to tell me that the fat all went away and they now wanted to have it done using my technique.

This is a very technically precise procedure to perform. If it’s not done well, all of the fat will likely go away because the fat cells don’t always survive. Be very selective.

Look for a lot of before and after photos to show the type of results your surgeon can achieve. (Daniel P. Markmann, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

The cheapest surgeries often end up being the most costly

Like all patients, it is important to remain within our budgets. However, keep in mind that injecting synthetic materials into the gluteal region, although inexpensive at first, can lead to very serious and costly complications. In practice we have seen patients that receive these injections only to find out that they were actually injected with industrial grade silicone or even bathroom caulking.

As you can imagine, these materials had no business being in the human body and the patient ended up with severe scarring deforming contractures and even life-threatening infections.

In fact, several patients here in Florida have died after receiving these injections when the material enter the bloodstream and travel to the lungs and kidneys. This is especially tragic as there are many good ways to augment and contour the butt safely and effectively. At this stage it is best to find a plastic surgeon with a great deal of experience in this procedure and schedule a consultation the plastic surgeon should be able to determine whether you have enough fat to meet your personal goals. For more information on Brazilian butt lifts or butt augmentation, please visit us online at the link below.

We offer a 6 and 12 month payment plan through Care Credit at our office. Be careful with some of these financing companies because you may end up paying double for your surgery. Once you find a surgeon check what their payment options may be. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)