Fat transfer for buttocks augmentation

Buttock Augmentation – Whose fat is best!

Although your husband might like his look after donating fat I can assure you that you will not be so happy. Your body’s immune system will make short work of your husband’s fat cells and your appearance will be far from aesthetic.

See a surgeon with experience in this procedure. He/she will look for fat you might be overlooking.

Gaining weight is a good option for those who are motivated. Lastly, augmentation with synthetics implants such as silicone is a common option. As for volume, that depends upon you aesthetic goals and your basic anatomy.

Proportion is very important so the contour of your hips, waist and thighs will affect how prominent your buttocks appear. Volumes of 200 – 600 cc’s of fat per side are typical depending upon each patient’s particulars.

In our practice, the initial patient evaluation is a crucial step in planning for a Brazilian Butt lift. During the consultation, we will assess how much fat the person has throughout their body.

We will also discuss with the patient what their ultimate goals are for the shape and appearance of the gluteal region.

We then use the patient photographs and morphing software to help determine where we will inject the fat answer the patient can get an idea of what their final result could be.

In this surgery we can only use the patient’s own fat-no one else’s. We have had several patients who we had encouraged to gain 10 to 15 pounds so that we may have more fat to work with.

The most important step for you to do at this time is to consult with a plastic surgeon and get an honest appraisal if you have enough fat for the results that you are interested in. For more information on Brazilian butt lifts or butt augmentation, please schedule an iConsult or visit us online at the link below.

The amount of fat needed to achieve your desire buttock contour and projection will depend on your goal for its appearance, and the technique used- in other words, with good technique, less of the fat will be re-absorbed and less should be needed to achieve your goal. The absolute volume used usually varies between 400cc and 1000cc per cheek, expecting that ~80% of the fat grafted will be retained long term. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use fat from another person (unless, as mentioned, you have an identical twin), as it would immediately be re-absorbed, and may cause other problems as well.

You can only use your own fat. It sounds like you do not have enough. There are no rules for how much volume is needed. In my practice, I estimate that I can use one third of what i can take out during liposuction. Different bodies will take different sizes but in general a 300-500 cc per size is needed.

Unfortunately, at the present time, fat taken from another individual, with the possible exception of an identical twin, will not survive if transferred to you. A range of amounts required for a dramatic buttock augmentation using the “Brazilian technique” is 500-800cc or more per cheek.

Smaller amounts than this will provide more subtle results. If you are really thin, your belly pouch will provide maybe 200-300cc of usable fat in total. An alternative is buttock implant placement, an option that you may research easily on the internet if you haven’t already.

Size preference for Brazilian butt lift

The amount of fat needed depends on how much extra fat is available to be extracted from other areas of your body. It also depends on your size preference of your new butt. A person’s fat cannot be used to inject into another person’s body. The body will reject its cells.

Amount of fat needed for brazilian butt lift.

There are no rules for how much volume is needed. It depends on the desired outcome of the patient. Using another person’s fat is not an option as the body will reject fat from someone else. I would recommend you consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to be examined and discuss whether or not you are a candidate for this procedure. You have to use your body’s own fat for a fat transfer procedure. If you do not have enough fat, you may have to gain some weight prior to surgery. There is no minimum or maximum amount of fat needed to transfer but you would like to have at least 200 cc per side to have a noticeable difference.

This however does depend a lot on your body’s anatomy and available fat. Consult with a few board certified plastic surgeons for a more detailed examination.

Every patient is different and has different amounts of fat that they can spare to transfer. Also every persons buttocks is a different size to begin with and so will require a different amount of fat to reach their goal size. Even a small amount of fat transferred can make a nice difference in size on a small woman.

The buttocks size and shape is further enhanced by doing liposuction above and below the buttocks. You can’t have fat transferred from another person since you will reject the fat. See a board certified plastic surgeon that has lots of experience with fat transfers.

Usually, you need at least 600 to 800 cc per buttock to even make the procedure worthwhile. Although there are people with too little fat, these are rare individuals. Unfortunately, no one else can donate fat to you, as this would not like in your body, unless you have an identical twin as a donor. Find a board certified plastic surgeon who performs hundreds of Brazilian buttlifts each year.  I usually suction 5000 cc and transfer as much as 1800-2000 cc to each side. You can only get fat from an identical sibling if you have one.