Doctor Christopher Pittman, MD in Tampa, Florida
Name: Christopher Pittman, MD
Last name: Pittman
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1994
Years experience: 29
Primary Specialty: Phlebologist
Business: Vein911 Vein Treatment Centers
Address: 2815 W Virginia Ave.
Address suite: Ste. A
City: Tampa
State: Florida
Zip Code: 33607
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Consultation note: Vein911 offers free video consultations!
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- Somerset Medical Center, Morton Plant Mease
- Undergraduate: BS, University of Florida
- Medical: MD, University of South Florida College of Medicine
Postdoc Training:
- Residency: Diagnostic Radiology, St. Louis University Medical Center
- Fellowship: Interventional Radiology and Vascular Radiology, University of California–San Diego Medical Center
GPS coordinates on map: 27.9805434,-82.4901236
Primary location:
Location name: Tampa
State: FL
Country: US
Map point: 27.9814,-82.45110321
Google plus:
- Asclera
- Hand Rejuvenation
- Radiesse
- Sclerotherapy
- Varithena
RealSelf Info
Profile views: 490
Answer count: 26
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: May 25, 2016
Profile modified: Apr 3, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Phlebologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: May 27, 2016
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Tampa, FL, US. GPS coordinates: 27.9814,-82.45110321
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
If I have no bulging veins, what ultrasound findings might recommend Endovenous Laser Ablation?
Many Have Vein-Related Leg Symptoms Without Bulging Varicose Veins
Feb 18, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
An Ultrasound should not have been ordered or obtained without leg symptoms in the first place. Since an Ultrasound was ordered, I will assume you had symptoms of some kind that are lifestyle limiting. It is a common misconception among the public and many physicians that you must see varicose veins on the leg to be suffering from significant vein disease. False. About 50% of those with lifestyle limiting leg symptoms do NOT have bulging varicose veins. Nocturnal (night) leg…
Tiny red dot on my face, definitely not a spot, very sharp and clear, maybe blood vessel? (phot
Red dots and spots on face
Mar 12, 2017
Mar 12, 2017
A focal red dot like this is typically a Cherry Angioma especially if it has been present for years. Cherry Angiomas are very common and can occur anywhere on the body.
They start as a dot, become a spot and ultimately become raised and blood red. It represents a growing tangle of capillaries.
They are eliminated in seconds with a VeinGogh machine (Ohmic Thermolysis). Instant results without pigmentation issues that may occur with surface laser.
They start as a dot, become a spot and ultimately become raised and blood red. It represents a growing tangle of capillaries.
They are eliminated in seconds with a VeinGogh machine (Ohmic Thermolysis). Instant results without pigmentation issues that may occur with surface laser.
Follow-up Question: Healing? Do I need surgery after complications from Sclerotherapy?
Skin ulcer or skin wound complication after sclerotherapy for spider veins.
Feb 16, 2017
Feb 16, 2017
A skin ulcer or wound is a rare complication of spider vein sclerotherapy. This complication may occur with even the most experienced spider vein treatment physician.
It is best to keep the wound clean and dry and to be VERY patient as the ulcer usually takes months to heal. It is impossible to know what the ultimate cosmetic result will be until given a chance to heal. The cosmetic outcome may not be nearly as bad as the appearance of the healing…
It is best to keep the wound clean and dry and to be VERY patient as the ulcer usually takes months to heal. It is impossible to know what the ultimate cosmetic result will be until given a chance to heal. The cosmetic outcome may not be nearly as bad as the appearance of the healing…
I have numerous broken capillaries on my cheeks. I am wondering if there is a procedure to get
Treatment of Broken Capillaries on My Face
Feb 16, 2017
Feb 16, 2017
We get excellent, instant results using VeinGogh for broken capillaries on the face.
Unlike laser, there is no potential risk of hyper- or hypo- pigmentation using VeinGogh (Ohmic Thermolysis).
Unlike laser, there is no potential risk of hyper- or hypo- pigmentation using VeinGogh (Ohmic Thermolysis).
Vein treatment. It looks worse now, after 5 months. What should I do?
Vein Treatment and Discoloration
Dec 30, 2016
Dec 30, 2016
Always important to determine whether a patient has underlying, deeper (medical) vein disease before treating a cosmetic vein problem. Many or most who think they have only a cosmetic problem also have significant medical vein disease. Inexperienced vein care physicians or those who only treat surface vein disease will have many patients with the problem you describe. Untreated, medical vein disease will result in cosmetic vein disease that does not improve and/or…
Bulged veins on hand. Bulged in hot climate, partially normal in cold climate
Hand Vein Removal and hand Rejuvenation
Dec 22, 2016
Dec 22, 2016
We are a referral center for hand vein removal using exclusively ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. While treatment is generally directed to hand veins, wrist and forearm veins can also be treated. Note that the veins demonstrated in the picture are normal in thin and/or athletic patients. However, if these veins are cosmetically disturbing, they can be treated.
What type of spider vein treatment do I need?
Do I Have Cosmetic or Medical Vein Disease or Both?!
Oct 15, 2016
Oct 15, 2016
Most people have both medical and cosmetic vein disease.
Your symptoms, pictures and occupation all point toward medical vein disease.
Top 3 causes of vein disease:
Occupations (ex. teachers, nurses, servers, hair dressers)
The reason many people say their spider veins never went away or came back is because many practitioners treat only visible, surface veins. You MUST deal with underlying, often hidden, medical vein disease before you have any chance of…
Latest Before And After Photos
- Dr. Pittman, Tampa, Florida (33607) 47 Year Old Man Treated With VeinGogh For Bright Red Facial Venous Angioma
Last updated on 12/26/2023