55 Year Old Spouse Treated With Eye Lid Plastic Surgery, Brow Lift By Doctor Gonzalez, Barranquilla, (080005)
In this case we did a complete rejuvenation of the eyes blefaroplasty and brow lift. In the upper eyelids the scar is usually in the middle area of the mobile eyelid, which is the crease when we open the eye. In the lower eyelid, the scar on the edge of the eyelashes is called transpapellar. The scar in the brow lift it's totally hidden in the hairline. In my opinion, it has to be a surgery with a very precise indication because when you make the cut below, the ligament that holds the eye. It is a ligament that has a certain capacity to resist tension. As we reduce the amount of skin in the lower eyelid area, the expression may change. (Jul 27, 2023)