Brazilian butt lift (BBL) recovery information

Brazilian But Lift is a very powerful procedure that can completely transform a women’s figure and give them the shape that they have not had at any point in their life.

This is a very labor intensive process for the surgeon and typically takes about 4 hours depending on the amount of liposuction and augmentation needed.

We perform this procedure as an outpatient which means you may go home the same day or have the option to stay in our overnight stay suite.

Regardless of the choice, our patients are always seen the next day to change dressings, answer any questions and make sure there are no issues.

The first week is the hardest for patients because you are quite sore and we urge you to keep pressure off of your buttocks in order to optimize the final result.

We see our patients back after the first week to remove sutures and to verify appropriate compression and contour of the body.

Patients typically start feeling better during the second week and are ready to go back to work after 2 weeks with special precautions to offload pressure to the buttocks if their job requires sitting at a desk. We encourage patients to start back at work with half days first.

Compression garments are worn for 4-6 weeks and over this time the swelling really improves and things begin to take shape in the waist. At 6 weeks we ask patients to switch to a more comfortable garment like spanx. We continue to see our patients at 2 weeks, 1 month and 3 months.

At this point virtually all of the swelling is gone and patients feel great. Everyone is different but most people get back into rigorous activity during the 6-8 week time frame.

The most important thing however is to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon that can assure results. I also encourage you to find someone that you can get back to see if you have issues.

Even in the most experienced hands surgery has risks and your surgeon wants to be available at any time to take care of you if issues or concerns should arise. Typically the recovery is about 2 weeks. You need to avoid sitting for prolonged periods.

Most of the pain and sourness resolves after a week, but I generally keep people on sitting precautions for 2-3 weeks. The recovery is usually about 10 – 14 days and about a week of not sitting on your bottom. Then usually about one month before feeling 100%

It is most important not to sit on your buttocks at all for at least two weeks. This is necessary so that you don’t crush the fat cells and cause them to displace or dissolve away. For weeks 3 and 4, I tell my patients not to sit for more than 30 minutes at a time. You can resume cardio exercise in 2 weeks and heavy exercise in 4 weeks. It is usually 6-8 weeks for the swelling to be gone, the skin tighter and your final curves showing.

Recovery time for Brazilian Butt lift varies depending on the procedure but it is generally in the 9-15 day range to go back to work and 6-8 weeks for recovery. Minimize seating or use a donut to avoid complications. (Jonathan Fisher, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Recover after Brazilian Butt Lift

You will feel like new in 2-3 weeks. Recovery from any procedure and pain tolerance is very individual. Recovery from the liposuction part of the surgery is quick. You can shower the next day and wear the garment again. Your pain and discomfort form the liposuction will be gone within a few short days. Most of the discomfort will be a muscular pressure type of discomfort that is limited to the buttocks. You will get pain medication and muscle relaxants that will really help with the pain. Probably 70% of the discomfort will be gone after the first week and the remainder by two weeks. You need to be up and around and active the day after surgery. The worst thing to do is to lay around. Sitting is not a good idea especially for the first 2-3 weeks. The buttock may flatten and its not comfortable anyway. A large percentage of the swelling, around 40% will come down by 4 weeks. Another 30-40% of the swelling will come down bt 3-4 months. It takes a full 9-12 months for everything to heal and fully soften. Hope this has been helpful!