10 best exercises to lift your buttocks
It is impossible to imagine a beautiful figure without a round, convex and tough buttocks.
And it is not necessary to go to an expensive gym, because you can to work over itself at home.
All you need – a couple of dumbbells (or books), yoga mat and an overwhelming desire to be better. In this article https://buttliftbrazilian.com/ publishes a set of exercises that will help tighten the muscles of the hips, buttocks and legs. So, let’s begin!
Best exercise to lift your buttocks – ten exercises
1. Partial squat on one leg. Repeat 15 times for each leg. Over time you can increase the number of squats, but for the first week it’s enough.
2. 15 deep squats with legs wide apart. Make sure that the back is straight. Lock the foot in the same position, tiptoes should be directed in opposite directions.
3. The raising of straight leg, 15 reps. Rest hands on the floor, make sure that your back is upright but not too tense. In this position it is easy to injure it.
4. The raising of arms and legs from a prone position. Repeat 15 times. During this best exercise to lift your buttocks pay attention to the fact that the muscles of the legs should be function – lift your leg as high as possible.
5. Raising leg that bent at the knee. Repeat 15 times for each leg. Keep your hands on the floor.
6. Partial squats with dumbbells (or a heavy book) in his hands 15 times. Squat slightly, pausing for several seconds at the very tense situation.
7. Stretching the hip muscles. Lifting dumbbells in a half-bent position 15 times. Buttocks set aside a little bit back and hold tight all the time while performing this exercise.
8. Raising the hands to the sides from a partial squat, repeat 15 times. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, but also very useful for the buttocks. Do focus on leg muscles, spreading your hands.
9. Raising the legs with dumbbells. Repeat 15 times for each leg. Try to keep the balance by performing this best exercise to lift your buttocks.
10. Squatting on one leg, alternating with the raising. Repeat 15 times for each leg. By raising leg, take care that foot was parallel to the floor.
To be in the form, you must train your willpower! It is worth just starting and you can not resist against the sport fever – the effect obtained during the workout, will motivate a further way to perfection.
Best exercise to lift buttocks at home
Lifting of the buttocks can be done at home without the help of a surgeon. To do this, you need to perform daily exercises that help to increase the volume of your buttocks and its lifting. The exercises do not require access to the fitness center, you will need only the desire to have the Brazilian buttocks and mat.
- While standing straighten your back and legs apart at shoulder width. Then raises legs to your chest, bending in knees. Do movements as quickly as possible. It will take 5 sets of 50 raisings for each leg;
- For this exercise you need weight. It may be a dumbbell. If you do not have them, you can pour the water in plastic bottles and squat with them. Retract the belly and strain your abdominal muscles, hold dumbbells in the hands, then slowly sit down, transferring the weight to the heel. Perform it daily for 5 times with 10 squats;
- Best exercise to lift your buttocks with the lunges. Starting position – the lunge when the knee almost touches the floor. Make steps-lunges alternately right, then left foot. When exercise becomes easy, take up additional cargo – a dumbbell or a water bottle. Make daily 5 repetitions of 20 steps each leg;
- While standing straighten your back and legs apart at shoulder width. Sit down to a position when the hips will be parallel to the floor and then jump up. It is enough to perform 5 repetitions of 10 squats with jumps per day that your buttocks to became tightened in the near future;
- Stand up and straighten your back with your feet at shoulder width. Bend at the knee one leg so that the thigh was parallel with the floor. The second leg is taken aside. Slowly shift your weight of the body on to the moved leg, but do not unbend the knee. Daily do 5 repetitions on each leg 10 times.
These exercises will help you to acquire real Brazilian buttocks without surgery.
Tips for lifting buttocks at home with exercise:
In order to achieve maximum effect in a short time, you can take advantage of additional tips:
- Do not limit yourself to drink. But you need to drink clean water, mineral or spring. Water must not be soda. With this you improve and accelerate your metabolism, that will benefit not only your buttocks, but also the whole body;
- Follow not a strict diet, limiting themselves to fatty and sweet foods. Consume more protein;
- Take adequate time for sleep – then your body will not be experiencing stress, and the body will become more attractive;
- Love yourself and your body. And then it will be liked by all others.
These tips will help you make the buttocks lift as soon as possible and permanently consolidate the effect.
- To lift the buttocks at home
- Squatting on one leg
- Perform daily set of best exercises
- 10 butt-lifting exercises