What is the minimum price of safe brazilian butt lift?

Many patients have died from cheap butt injections

There is no Brazilian Butt lift that can be safely done for under $2000. Be extremely careful of people that will offer this to you. In Florida, we have had many patients who have died exactly from this. These offers are usually made by nonmedical doctors who have injected Florida patients with industrial grade silicone, wax, and even bathroom caulking. These materials are not sterile and these procedures have been done without anesthesia.

Beside the excruciating pain that the patients have experienced, the patients will also receive disfiguring scarring around these objections. Many of these patients have had these foreign materials travel through the blood to their lungs and kidneys and have died because of this. Please don’t compromise your health by considering these type of injections.

For more information on safe Brazilian butt lifts or butt augmentation, please schedule an. Consult or visit us online at the link below. (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

I am not aware of a physician or surgeon in the United States who offers this procedure for that price. Even if it were available, I would urge extreme caution and do some serious investigation of the outcomes of that particular practitioner. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

The Brazilian Butt Lift is Time, personnel, and technique intensive. If anybody did it right, he/she would lose a lot of money if they only charged $2,000 Read below what it takes to do it right and you will see it is a very technical undertaking. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

It is very important to your safety and happiness that you realize the danger in shopping for a low price when considering surgery. In the US, you WILL be able to find whatever you are looking for, and if the only thing you search for is a price you can afford, you may get it, but at great risk.

Given the amount of education, training, and work that the average Board Certified Plastic Surgeon brings to bear on your behalf during the consultation, surgery, and postoperative care for this procedure, I cannot imagine it being performed safely and responsibly for this amount. Please read the following. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

You get what you pay for in Brazilian Butt Lift

I can’t imagine any board-certified plastic surgeon spending the hours that it takes to do this procedure correctly for that amount of money. You truly do get what you pay for. Shop around to find out the going rates in your area. They should be similar -i f you find somecone offering the procedure for a LOT less, there must be a reason, and it’s usually not in your favor. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Please do not compromise your results by trying to find the best cost. If someone is going to do your Brazilian Butt Lift for $2000, then you most likely are not going to have a nice result. Performing a safe Brazilian Butt Lift properly takes time and skill and for $2000 it would be impossible. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

You will not find a qualified surgeon in this country to do your surgery for that buttlift price. The procedure is involved, time consuming and arduous.

The old adage “you get what you pay for” comes to mind. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

This procedure incorporates fat injections to augment the buttocks. It usually requires large amounts of fat, and farily long operative time. I always tell people, that you get what you pay for. Looking for extremely discounted prices will only get you into trouble. Steven Wallach, MD (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Don’t base your decision to have a Brazilian buttock lift on cost or price. You must do your research and go to an experienced plastic surgeon. I doubt in the US you can find a good plastic surgeon for that cost. I would find a good surgeon at an accredited surgery center, even if it costs more, it will be worth it in the end. (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)