Dr. Vu Physician in Alhambra, California

Name: Hannah Vu, MD
Last name: Vu
Primary Specialty: Physician
Business: Skinzone Laser & Cosmetic Surgery
Address: 123 N Garfield Ave.
Address suite: Ste. C
City: Alhambra
State: California
Zip Code: 91801
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Bon Secours Hospital Dublin, Whitfield Clinic Waterford, UPMC Beacon Hospital Dublin &
  • Blackrock Clinic Blackrock, Dublin
  • Medical: MD, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, 1991
Postdoc Training
  • Residencies:
  • Otolaryngology, University of British Columbia
  • Otolaryngology, Martin Luther King Medical Center, Los Angeles
GPS coordinates on map: 34.0905,-118.1340027

Hannah Vu, MD

Primary location
Location name: Alhambra
State: CA
Country: US
Map point: 34.0905,-118.1340027
  • Botox
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Juvederm
  • PRP Injections

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 97
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Mar 3, 2017
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Physician
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Mar 6, 2017
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Alhambra, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 34.0905,-118.1340027
  • Los Angeles, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 34.0522,-118.2429962
  • Santa Ana, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 33.7455,-117.8679962

Practice Locations

Name & Website
, https://www.skinzonemedical.com/
123 N Garfield Ave.Ste. C, Alhambra, California, US, 91801 (GPS coordinates: 34.0963271,-118.1281319)
(626) 623-3027
Working Hours
Created / Modified
May 30, 2018 / Jul 24, 2019
Name & Website
Skinzone Laser & Cosmetic Surgery – Santa Ana, https://www.skinzonemedical.com/
3374 S Bristol St., Santa Ana, California, US, 92704 (GPS coordinates: 33.7017327,-117.8860883)
(714) 406-0642
Working Hours
Created / Modified
May 30, 2018 / Feb 5, 2021

Last updated on 12/26/2023