Male brazilian buttock lift (fat transfer to the buttock fces between a man’s buttor man)

Brazilian buttock lift in men

A man can have a fat transfer to the buttock provided he has enough donor fat. As far as where the fat can or should be injected, depends upon the individual’s specific aesthetic desires. It can be difficult to create the “dimple” on the buttock cheek but the overall volume can certainly be augmented and the buttock re-shaped.

The brasilian but lif can be performed on men without any problem, you just have to communicate to your surgeon, your desires and concerns.

A brazilian butt lift can be doen on a man and the results can be great. You need to select a surgeon who is a BBL specialist and also understands the difference between the male and femal butt shape. I perform 6-8 BBLs per week, and many are on men. This is a very specialized procedure and may be worth traveling to the right doctor for great results.

A man tends to have a more muscular buttock with the waistline that comes down in a square fashion as it meets the buttocks (as opposed to a female with a narrow waistline and gradually increasing in width towards the buttocks). If your plastic surgeon understands these anatomic differences, I believe a Brazilian Butt Lift can help improve the appearance of a man’s buttocks. I would recommend a consultation with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon.

You can get good results as long as you follow the following precepts: Proper harvesting, processing and injection technique – check out the video below Attention to details particular to the male, as you guessed, no injection into the saddlebag area, mainly a central injection pattern. Meticulous contouring of the waist to hip transition area.

Male Buttock Augmentation, good results

The Brazilian Butt lift for men is a great procedure. Buttock augmentation involves sculpting the buttocks with fat grafting, much like one would create a sculpture. And your surgeon should be able to sculpt either a female or male shaped behind. Choose a board certified plastic surgeon who performs this procedure regularly, and make sure you’re comfortable with him or her, and that you define your goals. The rest should be fairly straight forward for your surgeon.

The male buttock tends to look more muscular and hollow on the sides (hips). I have performed this surgery on men, some want a very masculine muscular look, and some desire feminization. It is important to communicate the result that you are looking for with your surgeon.

Although the female and male buttocks differ in shape, fat grafting can be done in the male gluteal area to enhance the buttock without it appearing feminine. Usually the muscular areas are enhanced in a male to keep his features masculine in appearance.

The beauty of fat grafting is that it can be placed, essentially, anywhere one desires. I have placed them into men without any problems. Brazilian Buttock Enhancent can put the fat where exactly you want.

Yes there are differences between a man’s buttock and a woman’s, and differences in body shape in different people. Depending on your anatomy one can get as close to the shape you want as possible. may include liposuction in certain areas and fat transfer in other areas.

One may not be able to get tha exact shape of the picture you posted but can work with your body and sculpt your body to approach that shape

Brazilian Butt Lift IS a Reasonable Option for Men too

There are really two separate questions here. Does the technique work well in men, understanding that their ideal buttock shape is different than that of most women? Yes. The other question is more subtle – can the Brazilian Butt Lift give you the appearance of the model in the photo you posted? Not without A LOT of exercise and hard work on your part.

The model in the photo has a very low percentage of body fat- and while Brazilian Butt Lift surgery does help to redistribute fat and reshape the derriere, it will NOT reduce your overall body fat percentage and make it look as firm and taut as the model in the photo. The operation works, but it is important to have realistic expectations. Please be sure to see a surgeon certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery.

The shape of the buttocks on the picture is one where the muscle is being contracted. Man do get fat grafting to their buttocks but you won’t get that look just by fat grafting.

Male versus Female Buttock augmentation, enhancement, enlargement and the Brazilian Butt lift

You are very astute in your observations. The standards for male buttock augmentation generally require augmentation of a rounder and higher and smaller “mound-like” prominence which is distinct from the thighs in comparision to the female augmentation calling for a more broad based mound gently blending with the outer thigh.

Men requesting the BBL typically do not have sufficent fat donor sites. Furthermore, Implants are better able to achieve this result in men.