This section contains photos of patients of the USA clinics and that made the brazilian butt lift (butt augmentation). The images show the figure before and after the operation, which demonstrates the results of brazilian butt lift.
Photos confirm that the gluteal augmentation will help to make buttocks contour more attractive. Bottom lift allows to model a rounded shape, tighten tissue, eliminate the asymmetry.
The results of buttock enlargement that are presented here on the photo before and after surgery demonstrate the capabilities of the various methods of plastic surgery that are used in of the USA hospitals. For best results, doctors perform lifting, lipofilling, installing of implants, etc.
These photographs – not only a source of information on the possibilities of buttock enlargement, but also confirmation of the quality of the surgeons.
Pictures taken after the recovery period, show that surgery results look natural and attractive, and buttocks dimensions – are proportional to the figure.
Buttocks enhancement – an operation to correct the shape and volume of the buttocks. Our Plastic Surgery Clinic offers the use of special silicone implants that will ensure the ideal shape and size.
Gluteal augmentation: to whom and when?
This surgery is indicated for several groups of patients. Among them are those who have sagging or so-called “flat” buttocks, as well as people with congenital hypoplasia of the relevant muscle groups. In the absence of contraindications, gluteal lift can be performed at any age, starting from 18 years.
Modern methods of buttock enlargement
Increase and correction of buttocks become possible much later than similar action in relation to the breast.
This is due to the fact that the buttock implants get incomparably greater loads, and doctors were able not so long ago provide the necessary level of reliability.
But now high-quality implants allow to freely change the amount and form of the gluteal region.
There are two types of implants intended for plastic surgery on bum: anatomical and round. Their surface may be either smooth or rough, highly cohesive gel is used as filler.
To create a solid shell is used an elastomeric rubber.
How is surgery performed?
How is the operation you can see in the photos below. The buttocks enhancement is as follows. In the region of the sacrum, in the upper third of the gluteal muscles, the incision is performed; is formed box (area for placement of the implant) under the gluteus maximus muscle.
By itself, the operation is quite simple, but requires a high level of professionalism of the surgeon, as the work is in an area with a large number of nerve endings and major vessels.
How is the post-operative period?
After the gluteal lift, the patient will stay in hospital about one day, and then returns to normal life.
The primary outcome can be estimated almost immediately, but the final result can be evaluated only at the end of recovery period.
The average time of a full recovery – 1 month; during this period you need to limit yourself to loads, limit your sitting, as well as mandatory to wear a compression garment. Another limitation is already permanent – ban on any injections in the buttocks area.
Results of bum lift
In the gallery, dedicated to gluteal augmentation, on the photos before and after, not all done surgeries are presented. The section includes pictures of those who gave their consent to the use in the Internet. All photos are displayed only with the written consent of the patient and without the use of Photoshop and retouching.
To learn more about the results of surgery, and simulate changes, you must apply directly to brazilian butt lift surgeons.