Can tummy tuck and brazilian butt lift be done together?

Yes, and sometimes even preferred

The two procedures are often combined. The benefit to combining the surgeries are: one anesthesia session, one recovery period and cost savings.

The prolongation of the operative time may slightly increase the risk rate, but risk precautions keep this possibility very remote.

Occasionally, the tummy tuck tissue that is discarded can be used for the buttock. In which case, it is obviously preferable to combine the surgeries.

See your board certified plastic surgeon for a discussion of the risks, recovery and expectations of your surgery. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

BBL – Tummy Tuck Combination

A brazilian butt lift and tummy tuck can certainly be done at the same time. But there are some concerns. When I have done these in the past, I performed liposuction of selected areas first.

The fat was then processed and injected into the buttocks. The tummy tuck was then performed at the end of the procedure. What I found is that while the patient was undergoing the tummy tuck portion, she was laying directly on her buttocks.

This caused some flattening and loss of projection of the buttocks. Even though these two procedures can be done together, they are best done separately.

This allows for more predictability of the result. Furthermore, the recovery is more difficult when procedures are combined.

After a brazilian butt lift, I have my patients sleep on their stomachs for the first month. This is not possible if you’ve had a tummy tuck. The patient can only sleep on her sides and this makes for a very uncomfortable recovery.

In addition, the post-surgery pain is much greater. So therefore, I recommend that you have the procedures done separately. Please consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. (Moises Salama, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Brazilian Butt Lift with Tummy Tuck can be done

I have done this many times. Each time requires a careful discussion with the patient for the following reasons:

  1. For the Brazilian Butt Lift it is imperative you avoid pressure to the buttocks to ensure fat graft survival. Therefore, most of your rest time is on your stomach.

  2. For the Tummy Tuck, you want to keep the waist slightly bent to protect the muscle repair and keep the skin flap free of tension. In practical terms this means you have to sleep on your stomach with lots of pillows propping your chest, or on your sides with a lot of pillow support to keep your butt offloaded. It is not easy, but it can be done. Use of a pain pump helps a lot since you have to lay on your stomach so much.

I also use the Lockwood technique for dissection of the abdominal flap, which gives me the freedom to harvest a lot of fat while at the same time keeping great blood supply to the abdominal flap so I’m not afraid of having the patient lay on her stomach. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck and buttock augmentation at same time

As long as you are in good health, it is possible to have a Brazilian butt lift (fat transfer to buttock) and a tummy tuck at the same time. You may need medical clearance from your primary care physician prior to surgery. The fatty tissue that will be taken from your abdomen during the tummy tuck can be used to augment your buttock.

Patients must avoid sitting directly on their buttock for about two weeks after surgery to increase the survival of the fat cells in the buttock. This means you will need to be on your side, since sleeping on your stomach will not be possible for a few weeks due to the tummy tuck. This combination can be done safely and I recommend consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon prior to scheduling. (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift are a Great Combination

It is possible to undergo a tummy tuck and fat transfer to the buttocks for buttock volume enhancement provided you are in good health. There are some important things to consider though. I have found that a good amount of fat is needed for the buttocks augmentation (at least 250cc each buttock) and this fat harvesting should never put the tummy tuck result at risk. Performing too much liposuction on the tummy tuck site can decrease the blood supply to the abdominal skin, and for this reason, I will harvest a bit of fat from the lower abdomen, then turn over the patient after the tummy tuck is finished and perform liposuction of the flanks and lower back to harvest the fat that I need. The fat is then processed for transfer, and then injected into multiple layers and locations within the buttocks, resulting in the beautiful result you are looking for. I think 2 weeks recovery should be fine, as long as you minimize significant pressure to the buttocks, and gradually increase activities or exercises that significantly contract the gluteus muscles or put tension on the buttock region. Good Luck! (Daniel Shapiro, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)