How does brazilian butt lift work?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is performed in two stages. First, liposuction is performed from various areas of the body. The fat from the liposuction is harvested in a special canister that removes the fluid from the aspirate leaving the pure fat.

Secondly, the fat is then injected into the upper buttock area to build up the projection of the buttock. This method is used for moderately loose skin.

If the skin is very loose then an excision buttock lift would be recommended to remove the extra skin but the fat transfer may need to be done at a second operation in order to gain projection. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

A brazilian butt lift uses liposuction to harvest fat from other areas of your body and injects them using a special technique back into the gluteal area.

This uses your own tissue which is much better than butt implants which tend to shift and are much harder. Another form of a butt lift places a scar at the top of the butt and removes the excess or sagging skin.

Both are good options but achieve different results and address different problems. It sounds like you are looking for the type of result a brazilian butt lift would give you. (Chad K. Wheeler, MD, Spokane Plastic Surgeon)

Buttock lifts and Brazilian butt lifts address different issues. A standard buttock lift is designed to remove sagging excess skin and tighten the buttocks. A Brazilian butt lift is designed to increase the volume and overall contour of the buttocks by transferring fat from other parts of the body to the buttocks.

Without a consultation and a full physical exam it is difficult to say definitely which procedure would be best for you but if you are looking for a rounder fuller bottom a Brazilian butt lift may be the best procedure for you. I recommend continuing your research on RealSelf for board certified plastic surgeons and then schedule a consultation for a thorough examination to make sure that you are a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. (Morgan E. Norris, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

There are many options for buttock augmentation. Options can include implants, fat grafting, surgical lift or implants. Everyone is individualized and it all depends on your anatomy and what result you are looking for. Board-certified plastic surgeons should be able to tailor the look that you are wanting with all of the options that are available. Make sure to discuss all of the options at great length with your surgeon and ask to see a before and after photo gallery of past results. (Bill Kortesis, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

What is Brazilian buttock lift

A Brazilian buttock lift involves taking fat from one area of the body and transferring it to the buttock. This is by fat the most common for of “buttock lift”. Although skin is not actually being cut and “lifted”.

If you desire a rounder buttock then a fat transfer is likely the best option for you. Some patients may choose to have a silicone implant inserted to achieve a larger, lifted buttock,however these implants tend to look less natural then Brazilian buttock lifts (fat transfers). (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

As long as you understand what is involved and the need to keep pressure off of the transplanted area and maintaining your body weight, after about 3 months whatever fat is maintained is usually permanent. It’s pretty involved technically but it is a great operation. (Aaron J. Mayberry, MD FACS, Albuquerque Plastic Surgeon)

BBL Patients Both Happy AND Satisfied w/ Results

Brazilian buttock lift involves transferring fat from one area of the body to the buttockIt’s not unusual for patients to be concerned about the aesthetics of their buttock region.It’s important to realize that no two patients are ever exactly alike. For this reason, it’s important that treatment be individualized based on the patients specific anatomic findings and aesthetic goals.

There are generally three categories of procedures that are commonly performed to address this problem. These include the use of buttock implants, procedures designed to remove excess skin such as the lower body lift and the brazilian butt lift which transplants fat to the buttock area. In the vast majority of patients, the brazilian butt lift is the treatment of choice. This procedure avoids the use of implants and avoids extensive incisions. It does have some limitations when severe skin sag is present.

Under these circumstances, other surgical procedures that remove excess skin such as the lower body lift may yield better results. For most patients, the brazilian butt lift is associated with excellent clinical results and high levels of patient satisfaction. If you’re concerned about buttock contour, consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon is appropriate. This surgeon should be able to determine which surgical option is best for you. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Brazilian Buttlift: Does It Work?

The Brazilian buttlift involves liposuctioning areas of excess usually the abdomen, sides or waist, and back and transferring this fat to the buttocks. This produces a shapelier more projected buttock and lifts the buttock as well. The conventional buttlift usually refers to the incisions made above the buttocks from which extra skin is removed. The Brazilian buttlift produces more natural results without the large scar burden. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)